【地道表达法】compare with 是什么意思?
Women get married at 25 on average in Asia. 在亚洲,女性平均25岁结婚。 注释: get married表示“结婚”,更正式一些的说法是marry,比如“They married a month after they met.”,他们相识一个月后就结婚了。 小编曾听过一件和marry有关的糗事,有个女生问一个刚认识的牧师朋友,“Would you marry me?”牧师有点惊慌说,我们刚认识,是不是太快了点?然后女生才意识到自己说错话了。这里的歧义在于,marry可以表示娶和嫁,也可以表示牧师或官员为新人主持婚礼,所以“Would you marry me?”这句话,可以理解成“你愿意嫁给我吗/你愿意娶我吗?”也可以理解成,“你愿意来主持我的婚礼吗?” When two people get married or marry, they legally become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry. 说到结婚,大家可能会吐槽,我连对象都没有,怎么结婚?于是不可避免地就会说到相亲。表示相亲时,我们可以用blind date,指由第三方安排的男女初次约会。还有一种,就是父母选好对象做好安排,marry (someone's daughter) off/to someone,“把……嫁给,为……娶亲”。 If a parent marries their child to someone, the parent chooses who their child will marry and arranges it. If you marry someone off, you find a suitable person for them to marry. on average在本句中表示“平均起来,按平均值”,也可以说on an average。此外,on average也可表示“基本上,大体上”,比如,“On average, vegetarians are slimmer than meat eaters.”,一般来说,素食者比肉食者更苗条些。 You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers. In comparison to her, I am still older. 和她相比,我仍然年长。 注释: in comparison to表示“与……相比,与……比较而言”,我们也可以说,in comparison with,by comparison with等等。 类似的还有compare with,表示“相比”,但通常与否定词连用,如“The flowers here do not compare with those at home.”,这儿的花比不上家乡的花。表示比不上,无法相提并论的时候,我们还可以说there is no comparison between A and B;相对的,表示比得上,可以与之相媲美,则可说stand/bear comparison with,这里可以用于人,也可以用于物。 如果大家看过《卑鄙的我》,应该记得小女儿最后在婚礼上朗诵了一首诗,里面说道,“...and my new mom Lucy is beyond compare.”,这里就出现了“比不上”的另一种用法,beyond compare,表示“无与伦比,无可比拟”。 表示“相比”时,我们还可以用compared with或者compared to,这两个词组也指“相对……而言,对照”。 If you say, for example, that something is large or small in comparison with, in comparison to, or by comparison with something else, you mean that it is larger or smaller than the other thing. It's time we took a stand on equal rights for women. 是时候在妇女权利平等上表明我们的立场。 注释: It's time someone did something表示“(从事特定活动的)合适时候”,我们也可以说,it is time for something/to do something。 类似的表达还有about time和it is high time,均表示“早该……了,是时候……了”。如果你想强调某件事“早该如此”,也可以在你的陈述后加上not before time,如,这种病毒正受到越来越多的关注,其实早该如此。“The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time.”。 If you say it is time for something, time to do something, or time you did something, you mean that this thing ought to happen or be done now. stand可以表示“立场,态度”,take/make a stand即指“表明态度、立场”。也可以说,我们表明了对妇女权利平等问题的立场,“We showed where/how we stand on the issue of equal rights for women.”。where/how someone stands on something,也就是对某事“持……态度、立场”。 If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is. I will stick to my promise. 我会坚守我的诺言。 注释: stick to的释义比较多,在此指“遵守,坚持”,如诺言、协议、决定或原则。 stick本身有“粘”的意思,所以stick to也可表示“黏附,附着在”,粘在诺言上,也就是遵守诺言,强调自己说到做到。我们也可以说遵循规则,stick to rules,强调按别人要求的做;或者表示“坚持不变”,比如坚持写作,stick to writing;如果你在旅途中stick to something/someone,则指“紧随,呆在……旁边”,比如沿着灯比较亮的路走,“Stick to well-lit roads.”。 If you stick to a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said you would do, or do not change your mind. 在往期的雅思地道表达法讲解中,我们还讲过一个词组,keep someone's word,表示守信。 keep一次本身就有“信守”的意思,即按照自己说的去做,所以有keep someone's promise,指“信守诺言”。而word一词,除了指单词,也指话语、诺言,可以在这个词组中替代promise。 You should give up smoking. 你应当戒烟了。 注释: 我们通常比较熟悉give up作为“放弃,投降”的用法,在本句中,give up指“放弃,戒除”,强调不再做某事或不再拥有某物,比如“不抱希望”,give up hope,“戒烟”,give up smoking。 give up还可表示“辞职”,give up teaching,辞去了教书的工作。我们常说的“让座”,也可以用give up来表示,比如某人将长椅上的位子让了出来,give up someone's place on the bench。give oneself up则指“自首,投案”。 需要注意的是,give up on something/someone表示“对……不抱希望,对……绝望”,be given up/over to表示“专门用于”,小心不要弄混了。 If you give up something, you stop doing it or having it. 以上短语和句子均来自《四级听力新题型训练》以及《四级阅读短语训练》,还没用过的贝友,可以点此下载扇贝炼句客户端,免费试用哦~

